C / A / S / A, a contest for any kind of times
"All fine architectural values are human values, else not valuable."
Frank Lloyd Wright
The Architecture Competition for Student Architects begins it’s twelfth edition. This edition, as a spatial / innovative process, it will give attributes to an approach focused on responsibility, professional ethics and empathy.
What is the common denominator of the 12th edition of the C | A | S | A competition? Dwelling, but not the individual one based on impenetrable limits but the emergency one, the one in which the community is open and enhanced by architecture, the one in which the place of common actions take shape and become determined, the one in which the property limit transforms and becomes binding or otherwise that is, a response based on alchemical human value in a crisis theme.
In this special year, in view of the relationships imposed by the situation we are in, we propose a theme consisting of several overlapping layers. Eliminating the usual contexts and problematizing the approach to the process the topic you are going through wants to cover three desideratums /
1/ To discuss simple but meaningful based living, in which human interrelationships play a fundamental role and these are the ones that produce the rules of space configuration.
2/ Propose debates on topics such as / minimum energy consumption, proximity to natural materials, use of local resources, can prefabrication (even partial) be a solution for crisis situations?
3/ Exploring the relationship between spatial organization, architectural object, the space between limits. An intercorrelation of factors found in projects in general in which the transition is frequent from general thinking to the object, from detail to general plan, coordinating flows, composition, neighborhood, thus enhancing the idea of community.
Keywords / emergency housing, community, multidisciplinarity
The site is located on a promontory over a slight amphitheater at the edge of a forest * see situation plan with topographic survey and 360O photo *, a few meters above the riverbed that left 25 homeless families in the hearth of Frumu village .
You are part of a mixed team of architects, engineers and sociologists who aim to initiate an urgent project to build housing for needy families and also aim to implement a theme of (re) generation of a communities more welded by the way of housing, common spaces, border cooperation.
These families, considering that they were determined to make a common front in front of nature's wrath, got to know each other better and are willing to experience a new way of living with the partial relocation upstream, but near the hearth of the village.
STAGE ////
Keywords / integrated housing, overall composition, rhythm, datum, light, access
Located on the southwest face of a promontory a few meters above the hearth of the village, the land of about 2 ha, located downstream of the road that connects the village of Frumu to Empat commune needs to be parceled into 5 plots between 1200 and 1400 sqm (see situation plan).
Each lot will accommodate 5 emergency homes for 5 families, on average 4 people each.
The positioning of the volumes will be done in such a way as to meet the reasonable light levels as well as all the theme requirements by carefully studying the location and volumetric furnishing of the 5 lots to generate a unitary volumetric spatial character.
The unity of the ensemble will be studied through the prism of each composition on the lot, also the influence and the formal-functional unity of the other neighboring lots, so of the overall image perceived from the road coming from Empat Commune. The relationship with the macro-landscape and the generation of a micro-landscape on the site / lot is important.
The car access per lot will be at the student's choice, common parking of the lot / lots defined by the competitor as size or access per lot, but for each house it is necessary to have thought of a parking space. If the parking lot outside the lot is chosen, it will be 1200 sqm, with the integrated parking lot, the lot will have 1400 sqm.
At least 7 places for bicycles will be placed on the lot.
Keywords / renewable technologies, reversibility, speed in execution, limit
The theme proposes you to build your own scenario of individual living that uses the land optimally, within the limits imposed by the urban planning regulations of the area, formulated in accordance with the general requirements and a responsible and attentive attitude towards the neighborhood and the use of resources. .
Thus, the central core of the project remains emergency housing, for 5 families of 4 people, on average, to preserve as much as possible of the quality of individual housing, but at the same time to creatively explore the situation together, proximity, use of common space. And last but not least, the issue of the possible and necessary limit to be explored.
Housing, day and night spaces *, will be complemented by functions shared by the community. It is up to the competitors to choose the jointly defined functions.
Access to the lot can be done by car, but also alternative parking solutions can be proposed outside the lot for the whole community. Bike access by bike is encouraged.
From a technology perspective, it is necessary to apply a reversibility model. Under demolition conditions, the site must be left as close as possible to the current situation. Also, 40% of the materials used must be completely recyclable. It is recommended to think and apply alternative solutions for renewable energy production.
For public health reasons, the use of metal containers of any kind is prohibited.
* Maximum surface estimates
per house 110 sqm maximum - living room - 30 sqm usable, night area 50 sqm usable, storage and circulations - 20 sqm usable
Keywords / clarity, message, atmosphere
The projects will be submitted to the competition according to the details in point 3.6.7 of the regulation and the example of pagination that can be found on the website:
At least the following pieces are required, paged on an A2 landscape format and two A1 portrait formats:
Format A2, / Layout required in logo layout
The poster presenting each solution that will contain a top perspective of the whole set (the same basic image - IMAGINE AFIȘ FRUMU - will be available to all competitors, accessing:, a perspective from the yard and a perspective from inside the house according to the layout of the theme. (0)
1xA1 / Layout required in logo layout
1- Situation plan of the entire lotting, scale 1: 500
2- Plan, scale 1: 5000;
3- View of the entire lotting N / S 1: 500
4-Section of the entire subdivision N / S 1: 500;
5-Southern or western facade scale 1: 100;
6- Ground floor plan with spatial relations between the 5 houses 1: 100 scale;
2xA1 / Positioning of the pieces of your choice in the logo layout
7- Synthesis text, describing the proposed solution, in English, of maximum 500 characters, font size maximum 14 pct.
Floor plans for a house 1: 100;
General section of your choice 1: 100;
A perspective section of spaces of your choice in which to observe the 1:50 scale construction system;
Exploded axonometry with constructive systems, transport, assembly.
Schemes, diagrams, references, other materials considered necessary for a better understanding of the project, within the remaining available area.
The reasoned and pertinent interpretation and approach of the neighborhood and the space between;
Formulation of a coherent concept and scenario according to the initial data and personal answers given to the situation on the topic,
Ability to organize coherently the different living spaces, common spaces, significant and simplicity in approach with the correlation of the general unity of the intervention,
Adequacy of the construction system and materiality to the proposed housing scenario and to the principles of sustainable architecture, fast in execution and which is reversible after demolition;
Correlation of the representation mode with the script, concept, atmosphere of the project; clarity and force of expression.
Contest theme writed by:
Marius Miclăuș
This page does not contain the full contest theme! For Optional Study Tools, Common Study Tools and Reading Encouragement, and other useful information, please see the full competition topic attached below.